This WorkSafe approved HSR refresher course provides an opportunity for HSRs and Deputy HSRs to revisit aspects of the HSR Initial OHS Training Course and refresh their knowledge of OHS in the workplace.
This course includes
- The value of HSRs
- Consultation in the workplace
- Element of the legislative framework
- Risk Management overview
- Duty of care
- Issue Resolution
- The role of Inspectors
Who Should Attend?
Health & Safety Representatives and Deputy Health and Safety Representatives.
Although HSRs are the primary audience; managers, supervisors, health, and safety committee members and anyone else with an interest in health and safety may also benefit from attending this course.
Under Section 67 of the Victorian OHS Act, the employer must allow a representative to attend an approved course on paid time, pay the cost of the course and must pay any other associated costs. The courses approved under this section of the Act are both the HSR initial OHS training course and the annual HSR refresher OHS course. This section also allows HSR’s to choose the approved the approved training course after consultation with their employer.
Minimum and maximum numbers apply to these WorkSafe Vic courses. Booking taken in order of registration. Cancellation fees may apply if booking canceled within 10 days of course start date.
The course provider retains the right to change or postpone course dates: If a course is canceled participants already registered will be offered the opportunity to transfer to the next available course or a refund of any monies they have already paid.
Systec is approved by WorkSafe to deliver this course. Systec conducts the training and issues the certificate of attendance.
Systec WorkSafe Victoria Approved Course Cancellation Policy
Register your interest for this course here